Wanting From Lack vs. Gratitude

We all end and start a new year reflecting on different things. Many times it includes what we want to do, change, acquire or improve in the new year. There's nothing wrong with any of this, especially because this often drives positive change and motivates us towards the end goal.

The thing to think about here is the place from which the wanting comes. This has been a game-changer for me over the years.

Society and human nature dictate that these desires usually come from constantly living and wanting from a place of lack...because we don't have enough or because something is missing in our lives.

I'm not saying this is always the case but it's a perfect point in the year to think about where your motivation for change is coming from. Acknowledging the source will make your commitment to your change that much stronger.

With that reflection creeps in doubt that we can achieve those things we've set forth, overwhelm because the list seems so long and frustration because some of those things have been on our list for years. I'm guilty of these feelings too sometimes.

Keeping our perspective to one of gratitude and appreciation for what already is, and using our motivation for wanting more to expand our life for the better, can make all the difference.

It can remove the sense of urgency and overwhelm, and the stress we place upon ourselves and feelings that what we are or have is not enough.

Take some time to think about this as we transition into a new month and new season. You won't regret it!




The All-Or-Nothing Mindset